Statistics & Research about Pinole,CA - Trans Bay Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Pinole,CA an area served by Trans Bay Insurance Agency

Phone : 510-223-1873

Real estate research for area nearby Trans Bay Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Pacheco 99,700 1222 14.7
Glen Ellen 632,900 2001 3.8
Burlingame 1,000,001 1449 1.7
Acalanes Ridge 831,800 2001 2.9
Silverado Resort 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Woodacre 719,900 1308 2.2
Ashland 284,700 1134 4.8
East Richmond Heights 380,700 1250 3.9
Alhambra Valley 790,400 1284 1.9
Contra Costa Centre 483,200 1465 3.6

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Trans Bay Insurance Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Pacheco 807
Glen Ellen 162
Burlingame 3498
Acalanes Ridge 43
Silverado Resort 340
Woodacre 217
Ashland 3199
East Richmond Heights 407
Alhambra Valley 11
Contra Costa Centre 1088
El Cerrito 4123
Boyes Hot Springs 1121
Hayward 39346
Muir Beach 54
San Miguel 34

Number of old houses in places near by Trans Bay Insurance Agency

Place name Number of old houses
Glen Ellen 560200
Burlingame 1000001
Woodacre 806300
Ashland 372400
East Richmond Heights 535700
Alhambra Valley 117300
Contra Costa Centre 1000001
El Cerrito 540000
Boyes Hot Springs 342300
Hayward 406700
Muir Beach 1000001

Number of vacant houses in places near by Trans Bay Insurance Agency

Place name Number of vacant houses
Pacheco 98
Glen Ellen 212
Burlingame 637
Silverado Resort 441
Woodacre 51
Ashland 570
East Richmond Heights 138
Contra Costa Centre 262
El Cerrito 590
Boyes Hot Springs 335
Hayward 6829
Muir Beach 21
San Miguel 108

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Trans Bay Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Pacheco 381700
Burlingame 1000001
Silverado Resort 1000001
Ashland 281900
Alhambra Valley 1000001
Contra Costa Centre 381400
El Cerrito 669100
Hayward 538000
San Miguel 1000001