Statistics & Research about Santa Rosa,CA - Sherzer And Associates Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Santa Rosa,CA an area served by Sherzer And Associates Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 707-284-5900

Car dealers nearby Sherzer And Associates Insurance Agency Inc

Hansel Ford

Hansel Ford , 3075 Corby Ave.Santa Rosa, CA, 95407 , Service: 1-877-398-1876 , Sales: 1-877-398-1875 , Parts: 1-877-398-1879
Santa Rosa,CA
Phone: 1-877-398-1875

Hansel Mazda

Hansel Mazda , 3075 Corby Ave.Santa Rosa, CA, 95407 , Service: 1-877-398-1914 , Sales: 1-877-398-1913 , Parts: 1-877-398-1915
Santa Rosa,CA
Phone: 1-877-398-1913

Good Stuff Auto

Good Stuff Auto, u1089 Santa Rosa Ave, uSanta Rosa, CA 95404, u 707-568-2515]
Santa Rosa,CA
Phone: 707-568-2515

Brian Smiths Car Store

Santa Rosa,CA
Phone: (707) 542-6506

Real estate research for area nearby Sherzer And Associates Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Sonoma County 430,900 1243 3.5
Yountville 619,100 1786 3.5
Petaluma 418,200 1303 3.7
Fetters Hot Springs-Agua Caliente 541,500 1264 2.8
Sebastopol 625,600 1188 2.3
Black Point-Green Point 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Cotati 364,300 1218 4.0
Middletown 261,900 1329 6.1
Santa Rosa 389,900 1215 3.7

Number of old houses in places near by Sherzer And Associates Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Sonoma County 500200
Yountville 1000001
Petaluma 563600
Fetters Hot Springs-Agua Caliente 516500
Sebastopol 606600
Cotati 250000
Middletown 269600
Santa Rosa 387200
Northwest Marin 743400
Inverness 687500
Rohnert Park 277400

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Sherzer And Associates Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Sonoma County 24711
Yountville 162
Petaluma 5878
Fetters Hot Springs-Agua Caliente 46
Sebastopol 1776
Black Point-Green Point 12
Cotati 247
Middletown 155
Santa Rosa 10386
Northwest Marin 687
Inverness 95
Rohnert Park 2581
Bodega Bay 78
Lower Lake 159

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Sherzer And Associates Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Sonoma County 458600
Yountville 767600
Petaluma 532400
Fetters Hot Springs-Agua Caliente 890600
Sebastopol 741700
Black Point-Green Point 1000001
Cotati 431500
Middletown 265500
Santa Rosa 395600
Northwest Marin 1000001
Inverness 1000001
Rohnert Park 129900
Lower Lake 318400

Number of vacant houses in places near by Sherzer And Associates Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Sonoma County 19745
Yountville 163
Petaluma 2682
Oakville 26
Fetters Hot Springs-Agua Caliente 118
Sebastopol 1201
Black Point-Green Point 83
Cotati 66
Middletown 747
Santa Rosa 5257
Northwest Marin 1170
Inverness 480
Rohnert Park 849
Bodega Bay 460
Lower Lake 185