Statistics & Research about Santa Cruz,CA - Prinz Insurance Services

Here are some statistics & research about Santa Cruz,CA an area served by Prinz Insurance Services

Phone : 831-475-4091

Car dealers nearby Prinz Insurance Services

Santa Cruz Nissan Dodge Volkswagen - The Superstore

Santa Cruz,CA
Phone: 1-877-325-9995

Real estate research for area nearby Prinz Insurance Services

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Boulder Creek 438,900 1392 3.8
Interlaken 365,800 1453 4.8
Scotts Valley 579,900 1897 3.9
Sunnyvale 703,800 1539 2.6
San Jose 659,100 1514 2.8
Santa Cruz 630,500 1471 2.8
Castroville 337,800 1099 3.9
Live Oak 526,000 1483 3.4
Cupertino 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Twin Lakes 501,600 1386 3.3

Number of whites in places near by Prinz Insurance Services

Place name Number of whites
Boulder Creek 4923
Interlaken 5576
Scotts Valley 9589
Sunnyvale 63478
San Jose 815929
Santa Cruz 130763
Castroville 15375
Live Oak 13804
Cupertino 19337
Twin Lakes 4426
East Foothills 4589
Pajaro Dunes 210
Santa Cruz County 215815
San Juan Bautista 4807
Monte Sereno 2863

Number of old houses in places near by Prinz Insurance Services

Place name Number of old houses
Boulder Creek 417700
Interlaken 770300
Scotts Valley 1000001
Sunnyvale 601600
San Jose 728700
Santa Cruz 678400
Castroville 547600
Live Oak 549100
Cupertino 929200
Twin Lakes 718800
East Foothills 600800
Pajaro Dunes 1000001
Santa Cruz County 587100
San Juan Bautista 400000
Monte Sereno 1000001

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Prinz Insurance Services

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Boulder Creek 222
Interlaken 257
Scotts Valley 889
Sunnyvale 6790
San Jose 115833
Santa Cruz 7645
Castroville 1053
Live Oak 414
Cupertino 5169
Twin Lakes 132
East Foothills 467
Pajaro Dunes 67
Santa Cruz County 12693
San Juan Bautista 358
Monte Sereno 478

Number of blacks in places near by Prinz Insurance Services

Place name Number of blacks
Interlaken 127
Scotts Valley 116
Sunnyvale 2782
San Jose 44251
Santa Cruz 2254
Castroville 190
Live Oak 69
Cupertino 202
Twin Lakes 134
East Foothills 150
Pajaro Dunes 6
Santa Cruz County 2707
San Juan Bautista 5
Monte Sereno 20