Statistics & Research about Richmond,CA - M A Hays Company

Here are some statistics & research about Richmond,CA an area served by M A Hays Company

Phone : 510-235-0353

Car dealers nearby M A Hays Company

Hanlees Hilltop Toyota

Hanlees Hilltop Toyota , 3255 Auto Plaza Road , Richmond, CA , 94806 , Sales: (888) 433-8615Service: (510) 243-2020Parts: (510) 243-2020
Phone: (888) 433-8615

Real estate research for area nearby M A Hays Company

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Bay Point 178,600 1160 7.8
Benicia 439,000 1353 3.7
Fairfield 288,200 1245 5.2
Woodacre 719,900 1308 2.2
Pleasant Hill 532,700 1444 3.3
Bolinas 1,000,001 1447 1.7
Marin County 810,700 1598 2.4
San Bruno 607,200 1567 3.1
Cherryland 332,100 1139 4.1
Broadmoor 554,900 1691 3.7

Number of old houses in places near by M A Hays Company

Place name Number of old houses
Bay Point 168300
Benicia 396500
Fairfield 218800
Woodacre 806300
Pleasant Hill 489500
Bolinas 1000001
Marin County 951100
San Bruno 618700
Cherryland 346400
Hillsborough 1000001
Fairview 386100
Inverness 687500
Tamalpais-Homestead Valley 972100

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by M A Hays Company

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Bay Point 987
Benicia 3032
Fairfield 9957
Woodacre 61
Pleasant Hill 2619
Bolinas 154
Marin County 19603
San Bruno 1977
Cherryland 190
Broadmoor 107
Camino Tassajara 190
Hillsborough 1770
Fairview 1057
Inverness 212
Tamalpais-Homestead Valley 945

Number of new houses in places near by M A Hays Company

Place name Number of new houses
Fairfield 415600
Marin County 1000001
San Bruno 1000001
Cherryland 533300
Tamalpais-Homestead Valley 1000001

Number of blacks in places near by M A Hays Company

Place name Number of blacks
Bay Point 2669
Benicia 964
Fairfield 16314
Woodacre 31
Pleasant Hill 427
Bolinas 92
Marin County 7284
San Bruno 1205
Cherryland 1120
Broadmoor 61
Camino Tassajara 19
Hillsborough 77
Fairview 1733
Inverness 30
Tamalpais-Homestead Valley 103