Statistics & Research about Alamo,CA - Legacy Risk And Insurance Services Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Alamo,CA an area served by Legacy Risk And Insurance Services Llc

Phone : 925-831-3223

Car dealers nearby Legacy Risk And Insurance Services Llc

Auto Exchange

Phone: 1-866-748-8623

Real estate research for area nearby Legacy Risk And Insurance Services Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Walnut Creek 587,200 1407 2.9
Byron 463,800 1202 3.1
El Cerrito 584,700 1391 2.9
Union City 493,300 1373 3.3
Concord 373,900 1243 4.0
Green Valley 638200 NA NA
Tassajara 759,500 1910 3.0
San Pablo 206,100 1025 6.0
Norris Canyon 1000001 NA NA
Emeryville 315,900 1538 5.8

Number of whites in places near by Legacy Risk And Insurance Services Llc

Place name Number of whites
Walnut Creek 52302
Byron 1005
El Cerrito 14268
Union City 14768
Concord 86340
Green Valley 1347
Tassajara 24669
San Pablo 15775
Norris Canyon 683
Emeryville 4467
Camino Tassajara 873
Fairview 5207
Bay Point 11078
North Richmond 1642
Colma 510

Number of old houses in places near by Legacy Risk And Insurance Services Llc

Place name Number of old houses
Walnut Creek 807100
Byron 174600
El Cerrito 540000
Union City 377700
Concord 331700
Tassajara 1000001
San Pablo 235700
Emeryville 400500
Fairview 386100
Bay Point 168300
North Richmond 78200
Colma 296900

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Legacy Risk And Insurance Services Llc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Walnut Creek 611700
Byron 483800
El Cerrito 631900
Union City 510500
Concord 392900
Green Valley 378800
Tassajara 1000001
San Pablo 188800
Emeryville 397000
Fairview 446600
Bay Point 187900
North Richmond 159400
Colma 666700

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Legacy Risk And Insurance Services Llc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Walnut Creek 878600
El Cerrito 669100
Union City 652900
Concord 495700
Green Valley 298500
Tassajara 720600
San Pablo 190200
Emeryville 248300
Fairview 575700
Bay Point 316200
North Richmond 82500