Statistics & Research about Redwood City,CA - Insure Us

Here are some statistics & research about Redwood City,CA an area served by Insure Us

1779 Woodside Rd
Redwood City,CA
Phone : 650-260-2532

Car dealers nearby Insure Us

Carlsen Subaru

Carlsen Subaru , 480 Veterans Blvd,Redwood City, CA, 94063 , Sales: (888) 520-5916 , Service: (888) 704-8550 , Parts: (877) 845-9249
Redwood City,CA
Phone: (888) 520-5916

Redwood City Kia

Redwood City Kia, 543 El Camino RealRedwood City, CA 94063 , Sales: (888) 598-3885, Service: (888) 434-1526, Parts: (877) 357-8019
Redwood City,CA
Phone: (888) 598-3885

Real estate research for area nearby Insure Us

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
North Fair Oaks 587,000 1246 2.5
La Honda 652,100 1075 2.0
Alameda 628,600 1334 2.5
Monte Sereno 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Montara 726,600 1735 2.9
San Carlos 927,900 1549 2.0
Belmont 887,400 1494 2.0
Norris Canyon 1000001 NA NA
Sausalito 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Burlingame 1,000,001 1449 1.7

Number of whites in places near by Insure Us

Place name Number of whites
North Fair Oaks 10601
La Honda 855
Alameda 36846
Monte Sereno 2863
Montara 2159
San Carlos 22872
Belmont 16743
Norris Canyon 683
Sausalito 6463
Burlingame 20487
Brookdale 1846
Fruitdale 851
Hillsborough 7164
Danville 34112
Diablo 888

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Insure Us

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
North Fair Oaks 425600
Alameda 556200
Monte Sereno 1000001
Montara 598200
San Carlos 1000001
Belmont 908200
Sausalito 855000
Burlingame 1000001
Brookdale 365400
Hillsborough 1000001
Danville 881600
Diablo 1000001

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Insure Us

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
North Fair Oaks 1193
La Honda 134
Alameda 8745
Monte Sereno 271
Montara 473
San Carlos 4822
Belmont 3870
Norris Canyon 13
Sausalito 1157
Burlingame 2708
Brookdale 364
Fruitdale 115
Hillsborough 643
Danville 5112
Diablo 167

Number of blacks in places near by Insure Us

Place name Number of blacks
North Fair Oaks 216
La Honda 1
Alameda 5043
Monte Sereno 20
San Carlos 283
Belmont 691
Sausalito 53
Burlingame 398
Fruitdale 26
Hillsborough 77
Danville 415