Statistics & Research about San Francisco,CA - Edgewood Partners Ins Center

Here are some statistics & research about San Francisco,CA an area served by Edgewood Partners Ins Center

Phone : 415-356-3900

Real estate research for area nearby Edgewood Partners Ins Center

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Muir Beach 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Lagunitas-Forest Knolls 665,600 1736 3.1
Inverness 879,900 1571 2.1
Fairfax 677,700 1621 2.9
Point Reyes Station 720,300 1336 2.2
Ross Valley 910,700 1638 2.2
Mill Valley 1,000,001 1809 2.2
Stinson Beach 1,000,001 2001 2.4
San Francisco 750,900 1447 2.3
Northwest Marin 800,700 1335 2.0

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Edgewood Partners Ins Center

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Muir Beach 54
Lagunitas-Forest Knolls 321
Inverness 396
Fairfax 1346
Point Reyes Station 237
Ross Valley 6443
Mill Valley 1952
Stinson Beach 239
San Francisco 116183
Northwest Marin 1519
Woodacre 217
San Francisco County 116183
Bolinas 760
Nicasio 5

Number of old houses in places near by Edgewood Partners Ins Center

Place name Number of old houses
Muir Beach 1000001
Lagunitas-Forest Knolls 744300
Inverness 687500
Fairfax 636300
Ross Valley 889800
Mill Valley 1000001
Stinson Beach 1000001
San Francisco 842300
Northwest Marin 743400
Woodacre 806300
San Francisco County 842300
Bolinas 1000001
Nicasio 812500

Number of vacant houses in places near by Edgewood Partners Ins Center

Place name Number of vacant houses
Muir Beach 21
Lagunitas-Forest Knolls 69
Inverness 480
Fairfax 109
Point Reyes Station 86
Ross Valley 970
Mill Valley 513
Stinson Beach 581
San Francisco 35022
Northwest Marin 1170
Woodacre 51
San Francisco County 35022
Bolinas 970
Nicasio 8

Number of new houses in places near by Edgewood Partners Ins Center

Place name Number of new houses
Mill Valley 1000001
San Francisco 717600
San Francisco County 717600